Gifting Protective Eyewear to Children with Retinoblastoma
Specs 2019 Update
Hi friends and supporters,
We’re proud to announce that we’ve gifted 400 pairs of protective eyewear to deserving little heroes to date. We are grateful to have been recently supported by both Tolland, CT and Ellington, CT’s Big Y grocery stores, who named us their charity of the month. We have also created a meaningful partnership with the local Lions Club, which we appreciate very much. As always, 100% of your donations go directly to the purchase of protective eyewear for kids impacted by retinoblastoma eye cancer. We thank you for your support!
Erin LaFleche
We’re proud to announce that we’ve gifted 400 pairs of protective eyewear to deserving little heroes to date. We are grateful to have been recently supported by both Tolland, CT and Ellington, CT’s Big Y grocery stores, who named us their charity of the month. We have also created a meaningful partnership with the local Lions Club, which we appreciate very much. As always, 100% of your donations go directly to the purchase of protective eyewear for kids impacted by retinoblastoma eye cancer. We thank you for your support!
Erin LaFleche
Happy New Year
Happy new year from Specs! We surpassed 200 gifted glasses in 2014, and are thankful that we’ve had enough of your support to do so. We especially thank those that choose a small recurring donation. This helps insure a dependable funding source for new requests as they come in.
Donation from above
One of our FAVORITE little heroes continues to fight bilateral retinoblastoma. Doesn't she look adorable in her new specs? Our organization used the money donated to "Specs" in her late grandfather's name to purchase her new glasses. Enjoy your gift from above, sweet girl! I'm sure he's so proud of you! xx

Introducing our "Littlest, Little Hero", who's not too little to beat this ugly cancer. His parents are heroes too, for detecting it early. Thankful to have been connected with him through a dear childhood friend. All our best to you, sweet boy! <3

100th Recipient
ONE HUNDRED pairs of glasses ~ a huge milestone for Specs for Little Heroes! We are so proud of our work and grateful beyond words to our hundreds of caring people who have donated! These kids are powerful when protected, so watch out world, here they come! <3